Wilhelm, E.N.**, Mourot, L., Rakobowchuk, M. (2018) “Exercise-derived microvesicles: a review of literature” Sports Med. 9: 2025-2039. 

Rakobowchuk, M., González Represas, A.**, Ritter, O.**, Isacco, L., Bouhaddi, M., Degano, B., Laroche, D., Tordi, N., & Mourot,L. (2018) “Low-intensity, endurance cycling eccentric exercise increase cardiac stress without limiting peripheral O2 delivery.” Int J Sports Med 39:173-180. 

Pomella N.**, Wilhelm E.N.**, Kolyva C., González-Alonso J., Rakobowchuk M., Khir A.W.  (2018) “Non-invasive Assessment of the Common Carotid Artery Hemodynamics with Increasing Exercise Workrate Using Wave Intensity Analysis.” Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 315: H233-H241.

Rakobowchuk, M., Ritter, O.**, Wilhem Neto, E.**, Isacco, L., Bouhaddi, M., Degano, D., Tordi, T., Mourot, L. (2017) “Divergent endothelial but similar platelet microvesicle effects following eccentric and concentric cycling at similar aerobic power output in humans.” J Appl Physiol 122: 1031-1039. 

Wilhelm, E.N.**, González-Alonso, J., Parris, C., & Rakobowchuk, M. (2016) “Exercise intensity modulates the appearance of platelet microvesicles and improves endothelial cell function and angiogenic potential.” Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 311: H1297-H1310. 

Wilhelm E.N.**, González-Alonso J., Chiesa S.T.**, Trangmar S.J.**, Kalsi K.K., Rakobowchuk M. (2017) “Whole-body heat stress and exercise stimulate the appearance of platelet microvesicles in plasma with limited influence of vascular shear stress.” Physiol Rep 5: Pii: e13496. 

Carter, S.E.*, Faulkner, A.**, Rakobowchuk, M. (2014) “The role of prostaglandin and antioxidant availability in recovery from forearm ischemia-reperfusion injury in humans.” J Hypertens 32: 339-351. 

Rakobowchuk, M., Parsloe, E.R.*, Gibbins, S.*, Birch, K.M. (2013) “Forearm ischemia-reperfusion injury reduces FMD but augments L-FMC irrespective of menstrual cycle phase.” PLoS One 8: e55385. 

Rakobowchuk, M., Harris, E.**, Taylor, A.*, Cubbon, R.M., Birch, K.M. (2013) “Moderate and heavy metabolic stress interval training improve arterial stiffness and heart rate dynamics in humans” Eur J Appl Physiol 114: 839-849. 

Rakobowchuk, M., Harris, E.**, Taylor, A.*, Cubbon, R. M., Rossiter, H. B., Birch, K. M. (2012) “Heavy and moderate interval exercise training alters low flow mediated constriction but does not increase circulating progenitor cells in healthy humans.” Exp Physiol 97: 375-385.